Dr. Shanmugasundaram Thangaraju

Designation: Assistant Professor
Highest Qualifiation: PhD, Post-Doc
Contact Detail: 020-24604480
Google Scholar Link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=bwsOMFoAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Website: https://ampldiat.wixsite.com/diatampl
Total Citations: 928
H-Index: 11
I-Index: 12
(Brief Description / Abstract) :
Dr.Shanmugasundaram Thangaraju joined DIAT (DU) Pune as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering in 2016. He has spent several years in Germany and France as a post-doctoral researcher. He holds a Ph.D. in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras and B.Tech & M.Tech in Metallurgical Engineering from NIT Jamshedpur and Anna University. His research areas include deformation behavior of Materials, Metal-Matrix composite, high entropy alloys, and wear in room and high temperature.
2000: B.Sc (Engg.) Metallurgical Engg, National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur, India
2004: M.Tech (Industrial Metallurgy), Anna University, India
2009: Ph.D Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Professional Experience (Institution, Position and Period):
2009-2012: Scientific Co-Researcher, Technical University Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
2012-2013: Scientific Co-Researcher, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
2013-2015: Post-doctoral Researcher, University Lorraine, LEM3, Metz, France
Research Domains:
Severe Plastic deformation, Friction Stir Processing, Powder Metallurgical processing
Metal-Matrix Composite, Nano-structured materials.
High Entropy Alloys
Deformation behavior of Materials
Specific Projects:
Development of high strength and ductile Al-Metal-Matrix Composite, DIAT
Friction Stir Processing of Al alloys – L & T
Synthesis of light weight high Entropy alloys for automotive applications DST
Hydrogen embrittlement behavior of high strength naval steel – NMRL Ambernath
Research Collaborations:
IIT Kharagpur
IIT Madras
IIT Patna
Cranfield University, UK
Ph.D Thesis Supervision:
Ayush Verma (jointly with Dr. A.C. Abhyankar). A study of welding behavior of high entropy alloys 2017 (Research in Progress)
Sushil Yebaji. Development of structural high entropy alloys. 2017 (Research in Progress)
Ayush Sourav. Deformation behavior of high entropy alloys. 2019 (Research in Progress)
Sudeep Kumar. High entropy alloy coating. 2019 (Research in Progress)
M.Tech. Dissertation Supervision:
Development of Aluminum Alloy 7005 / TiB2+B4C Surface Composite by Friction Stir Processing for Defence Application
Development of Refractory Metal Coating on Ni-Cr-Mo-V steel substrate by Cold Spray Technique
Effect of Heat Treatment on Wear Behavior of NiCrSiB & WC-Co HVOF Coating on AISI4330V steel
Study on corrosion behavior of AA5083-H112 in different weld conditions
Effect of Friction Stir Welding Parameters on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al Alloy 7004
Development of high wear resistance high entropy alloy coating on mild steel by TIG welding
A study on corrosion behavior of AA7004 aluminum alloy processed by FSW, TIG and MIG welding
Development of high wear resistance high entropy alloy carbide coating on mild steel by TIG welding
Study on weldability of 7xxx aluminium alloy processed by GTAW using nano-composite filler
Synthesis and characterization of nano Y-Ti-O particles reinforced aluminium matrix composite by powder metallurgy and modified ultrasonic stir casting methods
Role of Settling Velocity in Fabrication of Homogeneously Dispersed Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites by Stir Casting
Study on hot deformation behaviour and weldability of HEA Study on weldability of 7xxx aluminium alloy processed by Gas Tungsten Arc Welding using nanocomposite filler
Design and synthesis of light weight High Entropy Alloy by high energy ball milling and spark plasma sintering for high temperature application
Study of corrosion behaviour of CoCrCuNiMn HEA
Study of oxidation behaviour of AlTiNbCrTa based refractory high entropy alloy
Metal Injection Molding of Titanium for Biomedical Applications
Study and characterization of the conjoint effect of hermos-chemical shock loading on cold spray coated HSLA steel
Design and synthesis of novel refractory high entropy alloys
Development of dispersion strengthened high entropy alloy for structural application Design and synthesis of light weight High Entropy Alloy for high temperature application
Summer/Winter Internships From other institutions Supervision:
Other Supervision:
Research Publications:
Journal Articles:
T. Shanmugasundaram, M. Heilmaier, B.S. Murty, V.Subramanya Sarma, On the Hall-Petch relationship in a Vacuum hot pressed nanostructured Al-Cu alloy, Mater. Sci. Engg. A 527, 2010, pp 7821, Citation 16, Impact factor 2.1
T. Shanmugasundaram, M. Heilmaier, B.S. Murty, V.Subramanya Sarma, Thermal stability of vacuum hot pressed nanostructured Al-Cu alloys, Materials Science Forum, 690, 2011, pp 234. Impact factor 0.4
J.H. Schneibel, M. Heilmaier, W. Blum, G. Hasemann, T. Shanmugasundaram, Temperature dependence of the strength of fine- and ultrafine-grained materials, Acta Mater. 59, 2011, pp 1300, Citation 15, Impact factor 3.94
T. Shanmugasundaram, M. Heilmaier, B.S. Murty, V.Subramanya Sarma, On the estimation of true Hall-Petch constants and their role on the superposition law exponent in Al alloys, Adv. Eng. Mater. 14, 2012, pp 892. Citation 3, Impact factor 1.61
R. Karthikeyan T. Shanmugasundaram, V. Subramanya Sarma, B.S. Murty, Spark plasma sintering of nano-crystalline 9Cr-1Mo ferritic oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A 44, 2013, pp 4037, Impact factor 1.63
T. Shanmugasundaram, E. Bouzy, A.H. Chokshi, Strengthening and weakening by repeated dynamic impact in micro and nanocrystals, Mater. Sci. Engg. A 639 (2015) 97
T. Shanmugasundaram, J. Guyon, J.P. Monchoux, A. Hazotte, E. Bouzy, On grain refinement of a γ-TiAl alloy using cryo-milling followed by spark plasma sintering, Intermetallics 66 (2015) 141
T. Shanmugasundaram, E. Bouzy, A. Hazotte, Phase stability a mechanically alloyed CoCrCuFeNi HEAs, Adv. Engg. Mater. 19 (2017) 95.
Nitinkumar Pol, Gaurav Verma, R.P. Pandey, T. Shanmugasundaram, Fabrication of AA7005/TiB2-B4C surface composite by friction stir processing: Evaluation of ballistic behaviour, Defence Technology, 15 (2019) 363-368, Impact factor 1.3
A. Verma, P. Tarate, A.C. Abhyankar, M.R. Mohape, D.S. Gowtam, V.P. Deshmukh, T. Shanmugasundaram, High temperature wear in CoCrFeNiCux high entropy alloys: The role of Cu, Scr. Mater. 161 (2019) 28-31.
Pranjal Chauhan, T. Shanmugasundaram, Inter-Dependency Relationships in High-Entropy Alloys: Phase Stability Criteria, Advanced Engg. Materials, 21 (2019) 1900251
B.D. Bhanushali, A. GouravRao, A. P. Singh, S. Parida, V. P. Deshmukh, A. C. Abhayankar, T. Shanmugasundaram, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AA7005 Alloy Joint by Fusion and Solid-State Welding Processes, Trans Indian Inst Met, 52 (2019) 46-52
Book Chapters:
Conference Papers:
Research/ Review Submitted/ Under Review:
In Press
Ankit Singh Negi, T. Shanmugasundaram, Hybrid particles dispersion strengthened aluminum metal matrix composite processed by stir casting, Materials Today: Proceedings , Accepted, In press
Pranjal Chauhan , Sushil Yebaji , Vijay N. Nadakuduru, T. Shanmugasundaram, Development of a novel light weight Al35Cr14Mg6Ti35V10 high entropy alloy using mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 820 (2020) 153367.
L Verma, VN Nadakuduru, T Shanmugasundaram, TM Kumar, M Verma, The possibility of synthesizing an Al-based bulk metallic glass using Powder Metallurgy Route, Materials Today: Proceedings , Accepted, In press
Ayush Sourav, Sushil Yebaji, T. Shanmugasundaram, Structure-property relationships in hot forged AlxCoCrFeNi high entropy alloys, Materials Science and Engg. A, Accepted, In Press
Any Publications Submitted/Under Review:
Invited Talks:
Awards/ Scholastic Achievements:
DAAD- Fellowship
Best Project award – Master Thesis
Best Presentation award, NMD-ATM, Chennai, Inida
Best Presentation award, International Conference, NIT Tiruchirappalli
Government Funded Projects:
Development of high strength and ductile Al-Metal-Matrix Composite, DIAT
Synthesis of light weight high Entropy alloys for automotive applications, DST-SERB
Hydrogen embrittlement in high strength naval steel – NMRL Ambernath